You know you've won, in life, when people pay you to do what you would pay them to let you do

Friday, June 18, 2010


Welcome to our place, a trailer with a back porch addition in the middle of 40,000 acres.  I made the gate, it was my contribution to the fence that was already there.

And I hung the tire swing for kids who come but not many do.

There's a few corrals at the North Camp we use mostly to pull the bulls the 1st of August.

This is the creek at the south end of the lease, also known as the South Camp. Almost all the cows that come here have to cross this bridge or wade through the creek. We live at what they call the North Camp. Years ago, before horses were hauled as much, the lease rider would move his camp from the south end to north along with the cattle.

The terrain varies from open sand dunes in the North Sandhills pasture, bogs in the Calving pasture (folks used to calve cows here years ago), flat dry prairie in the Dragline pasture, and nice Riparian areas because of the Ducks Unlimited project that run from the north-west corner to the south east corner. I think I counted 96 miles of fence and there's sky, lots and lots of sky.

The barn is small and cozy.  


Two tie stalls, two box stalls

  and a nice little tack room.

It's not much and it's not ours but its where we hang our hats and what we fill with happy memories.


Sherry Sikstrom said...

It is a nice space, and yours or not you keep it beautifully! . Look at all that open country!I like the gate , nice touch

Crystal said...

aww looks like I want to move in.

LindaG said...

Never had blogger eat my reply before. >:{

Just gorgeous! You are very lucky, I think. :)

We lived in a trailer for about 5 years when we were stationed at Beale AFB in California. Not as nice as yours, but we enjoyed it.

Hope you're having a good weekend! :)

Anonymous said...

40,000 acres.... OMG that's a lot! I love it! although I think I might get lost :)... and I especially love the bridge over the creek!

Linda said...

It's nice to see it looking so green. Hope your man is healing up after his wreck.

The Wife said...

I think it's lovely!

Shirley said...

I live in a trailer too, and this place is not ours, but it's home and we do our best to make it nicer. I like your 40,000 acres of back yard.

Rising Rainbow said...

40,000 acres, I can't even imagine how many horses I'd have if I had that much land, but it's fun to think about.

Looks like a wonderful place whether it's yours or not.

Anonymous said...

I think it's beautiful!