You know you've won, in life, when people pay you to do what you would pay them to let you do

Thursday, May 27, 2010


I was always told to count my blessings. One of the blessings of being a cowboy is to have cowboys for friends.

I am thankfull for so many things but today especially it is for good friends, folks who will come and give you a hand with your work when you're in a pinch (like when you get dumped and sored up and it's hard to climb up on your horse). My cowboy has a friend like that. Come to think of it, it should be him counting his blessings.

Before we got rained out we moved the 450 cow/calf pairs that needed to be in the right field when the bulls are turned out on Saturday. The cowboy that came to help is a not just a good hand, we call that type of a man a top hand. Moves through cattle like a hot knife cutting through butter, so smooth.

1 comment:

The Wife said...

Isn't nice to have good friends. If I really need help, my husband's best friend would be here in a pinch (even though he lives 2 hours away). He's helped me haul bulls when the husband was out of town.